Agile transport and direct service
DICEX offers you 192 routes in the USMCA region within our range of transport services, in a comprehensive logistics process.
This depends on the type of merchandise and the means of transport that will be used, our team will advise you on the right packaging and packaging for the transport of your merchandise...
To learn more about rates and quotes, send an email to
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.
1. Log in to your account on our platform or sign up if you're new.
2. Navigate to the 'Quotes' or 'Request for Quotations' section.
3. Select the type of service you need to quote, such as international shipping, ground transportation, warehousing, etc.
4. Complete the quote form, providing all relevant details, such as origin and destination, weight, dimensions and any special requirements.
5. Submit your request for a quote.